Sunday, February 26, 2017

Goolie Goodies

The Chemtoy figures. I don't know what happened to my my Goolies. I have Drac, but need the rest of the set!  I recall some of the figures had balance issues..

Spooky Luchadores!

Los Dracula, and Los Hermanos Muerte (Brothers of Death) to fuel your lucha nightmares! The Los Dracula's masks are too cool!

Munsters TV Times Cover

Here's a photo of Fred Gwynne, and Yvonne DeCarlo that I've never seen before, on this August 1964 copy of The L.A. Times TV insert. Both have unusual looks on their faces.. The caption "Spooks Alive! The New Trend" Seems to be about all the offbeat/ monster sitcoms that were hot in the 1964 /1965 season. Such as The Addams Family, Bewitched, My Mother, The Car, My Favorite Martian, etc., AND The Munsters, of course.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Freebirds Meet Cyndi!

Here's a photo of The Fabulous Freebirds and 1980s pop icon, Cyndi Lauper. You know, the WWF's "Rock And Wrestling Connection" days. The 'Birds did not tarry long in N.Y..  They "had to be free" as Ronnie Van Zant said in the song... Michael looks happy here though...

Roy's Wild Ride

Roy Rogers riding Jerry Lewis like a horse...or something. I wasn't there.


I'd like to visit these newsstands. Who am I kidding? Any newsstand! I see some sweet comics in the non-cartooned one!


A great photo of one of the greats - Jushin Thunder Liger. Myself, Lenis Sargent, and my then girlfriend traveled to Greenville to see him on a WCW card in 1993. That was my last visit to the historical building.

Aurora Poster

Here's a look at a truly cool in-store poster featuring model kits from TV shows. I'd love one, thanks!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Two (3) Marilyns.

As you know, I am a fan of The Munsters, the CBS-TV show of the 1960s. The first Marilyn, Beverly Owens, left the series in the middle of season 1, because she was very unhappy, and wanted to marry her then boyfriend. So after 13 shows, she was let out of her contract.  She was replaced by Pat Priest in December 1964. When they were casting the movie (Munster Go Home), it was announced that Pat wasn't going to be in the film, she was pretty upset. It seems they wanted a younger Marilyn, so they went with actress Debbie Watson. I don't know... I still think Beverly Owens was the best.

Visit Transylvania.

Visit Transylvania was from Topps Funny Travel Posters from 1967. There were 24 posters in a set, but this one had to be the best. Outstanding art by Wally Wood to boot!

Superstar's Bat Shirt!

Here is a photo Superstar Billy Graham from about 1972 (Going by his Hair line)  sporting an interesting Bat-Woman / Batgirl T-shirt.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Hot Wheels!

I loved hot Wheels. I really did. I think a lot of the attraction was the Mattel art work. Back in the day, all toys had paintings, or drawing on the packages, and I always felt that art was way cooler than the photographs of today's toys. The Mattel artist was one of the best.  Check out these images and see what you think...

Monday, February 13, 2017

Andre Meets Debra H.

The Ring's Wrestling Magazine, June, 1980. Andre Meets Debbie Harry, who was a well-known wrestling buff. She said she liked the wrestling from Atlanta, because it was "more funky". Well said Debbie.

Damn Skeletons!

Extra-funky art of some young skeletons out for a joy-ride. Too cool.

Boris Karloff LP

Hoo-Boy, would I like to get a copy or both of one of these! Tales Of The Frightened, Vol.1, and 2, Told by Boris Karloff (Mercury, 1963)


One of my  absolute favorite episodes of The Munsters is the "Zombo" episode. Louis Nye plays a horror host of sorts for after school TV. Eddie wins an on-air contest, and gets to meet his idol!  Cool doin's. The top image is a great fan-made ad for The Zombo show. I wish I knew who did it, they really made it authentic.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

1966 Batman Sweepstakes

 Proctor & Gamble, one of the sponsors of the ABC-TV Batman show had a very cool contest, as seen here in this ad. Stores that sold P&G products gave away the "Bat-Scene" tickets, and on 10-20-1966, Batman (Adam West, natch!) would reveal the winning Bat-Scene. The above ad appeared in major magazines, such as Life, Look, and all the biggies of 1966..
 Promoted also on coupon flyers via Sunday newspapers, and  Proctor & Gamble package inserts...
Recently an unused Bat-scene ticket turned up on eBay. I don't know... I'm afraid I would be tempted to open it.
As far as I know, nobody knows which Bat-scenes were winners.. It would be cool to find the footage of  Adam West revealing the winning scenes..

Addams Family Meets Famous Monsters!

Here's two neat Captain Company ads from an issue of Famous Monsters Of Filmland. Not sure which issue, 1964 - 65 was certainly the year. I have a reproduction box of the The Thing bank original packaging. I'd love to ad both originals to the Crypt Collection!

Monday, February 6, 2017

After School TV

Remember all the cool TV shows they showed on weekday afternoons?  Sure, they were reruns of older shows, but we didn't give a hoot! Oh well, file them away with Saturday morning cartoons, I guess. I'd love to see the KING-TV line up on these latter day afternoons.

JSA vs Solomon Grundy

I don't know if this was published, but here's a great piece - The Justice Society of America vs. the wicked Solomon Grundy, by Wally Wood. Coolness factor 8.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

A WWF Halloween.

An interesting photo of a Halloween themed Saturday Night's Main Event (1986, I think). This was the WWF at it's nuttiest. In an interview, Roddy Piper claimed he got between Randy Savage, and Elizabeth just to mess with the Macho Man. Piper? A smart-ass? Heaven forefend!

Friday, February 3, 2017

The Worm Eaters.

Here's a moving promotional still from Ted V. Mikels' The Worm Eaters (1977)  Yes.


Even Hallmark cashed in on the 1966 Batman craze with a notepad - Batmemos. Just a standard notepad with pithy bat-panels at the bottom. Pretty scarce item though...

Woolworth Was Topps!

A very cool shot of a Woolworth candy aisle from 1973-1974. Wacky Packages, and Kung Fu gum cards by the boxfulls, etc!

Johnny Cash's El Paso Trouble!

In 1965, Johnny Cash got busted in El Paso, Texas for bringing Amphetamine pills across the border from Mexico. Hey - people make mistakes. It's just interesting to know other people have screwed up, so maybe we're not so bad after all..

Count Yorga, Vampire

I've always liked this lesser-seen poster from Count Yorga, Vampire (1970) It's a different kind of Vampire movie poster for sure..

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Haunted Mansion Art

Here is a neat piece of production art for Disney's Haunted Mansion by Claude Coats...

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Jack Davis Dracula ad art..

Jack Davis draws the good Count munching on a Slim Jims, before Macho Man Randy Savage "Snapped Into It!"... This ad was in Zillions of comic books.

57k Can't be wrong!

Yes, Pussy Pop. A real beverage from 1982. My most popular post on tumblr....

Elvis Meets Frankenstein!

A neat double bill poster from Parkway Theatre in W. Jefferson, N.C. Probably 1958-59.