Tuesday, February 7, 2017

1966 Batman Sweepstakes

 Proctor & Gamble, one of the sponsors of the ABC-TV Batman show had a very cool contest, as seen here in this ad. Stores that sold P&G products gave away the "Bat-Scene" tickets, and on 10-20-1966, Batman (Adam West, natch!) would reveal the winning Bat-Scene. The above ad appeared in major magazines, such as Life, Look, and all the biggies of 1966..
 Promoted also on coupon flyers via Sunday newspapers, and  Proctor & Gamble package inserts...
Recently an unused Bat-scene ticket turned up on eBay. I don't know... I'm afraid I would be tempted to open it.
As far as I know, nobody knows which Bat-scenes were winners.. It would be cool to find the footage of  Adam West revealing the winning scenes..

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