Saturday, December 31, 2016

Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Munsters Publicity Photo

Here's a neat shot of Al Lewis sporting the make-up that was used in the (1964) pilot episode. The scaled it back after a while to a more "human" look, but I like this version. I'll bet Al didn't...

Graves, I Dig!

I don't know, This Book Cover, I Dig! (1960s, I'm sure)

The Edge Of Night!

With a cool title card like this you'd swear this would be a horror soap like Dark Shadows. No luck it was just a run-of-the-mill soap opera. It did run on CBS from 1956 - 1975, which is no small feat. Strangely in 1975, ABC picked it up, only to drop it a short while later..

Sunday, December 25, 2016

FM Con - 1975!

Great poster for the 2nd Famous Monsters Convention


One of my all-time favorites from Hanna-Barbera. The dog that gets high on dog biscuits like they were Dilaudids.

Ugly Buttons

A 1966 goodie was Topps' Ugly Buttons. Not quite a toy, or gum card, but cool as the Dickens..

Monday, December 19, 2016

Frankenstein Jr. Puzzle

Man, I would sure like to have one of these babies. My favorite Hanna-Barbera super hero! From 1966, by Whitman.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Fascinating Photo!

I can't help it. I am fascinated by this found photo! Who are they? I like the glasses and the Monkees poster, and the clock ain't bad. What's in the box? What is dad doing?  I wish I knew.

Wrestling At The J&J, Part 2!

Here are two more great old posters From Athens Ga.'s J&J Center. I Really hate that I missed these shows. To be able I saw Lou Thesz wrestle would be incredibly cool. On the other card, one of my favorites The Spoiler appeared. Beside the midget legends, the undercard of this show was great with British legends Tony Charles, and Les Thornton, and Les wrestled future star Rick Martell! Even Jerry Stubbs went on to be Mr. Olympia.

Jonny Quest Premium

Here are some great in-store displays for the P.F. Flyers Jonny Quest Magic Ring. The thing was, you had to buy a pair of P.F. Flyers to get the ring! I can only imagine the pressure put on the parents at the shoe department!

Jonny Quest Paint By Number

I ran across this Transogram Jonny Quest Paint By Number Set.. There is very little Jonny Quest merchandising compared to almost every other Hanna-Barbera series, especially one as successful as JQ. The package design is eye-catching as well. Either 1964, or 65.

Neal Adams Meets Kiss!

I ran across this great never-published drawing from a proposed 3rd Marvel Kiss comic magazine that never materialized. I would've loved to have seen it. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Mad, Mad, Mad Monsters

This is a title card from Rankin-Bass' Mad, Mad Mad Monsters (1972), one of the ABC Saturday Superstar Movies.. It can be thought of as a prequel to Mad Monster Party (1967), without the stop motion, and Boris Karloff, of course. Frankenstein creates a bride for the monster, and holds a big wedding for the happy couple.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

ABC Cartoon Coolness

What a great deal. ABC-TV thought of us kids on Thanksgiving! Cartoons, plus Happening '68. They had me at Milton The Monster.

Wrestling World - April 1965

A nastier wrestling photo is hard to find. The crusty fellow on the cover is actually The Crusher (Lisowski), and not Tarzan Tyler, as many people first thought. A lot of color from that small cut!

Santa Magoo!

It's Mr. Magoo with General Electric gifts for all!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Jetsons World.

Just a neat background image from Hanna-Barbera's The Jetsons. "Space Gems", is of course a parody of Screen Gems, the well-known production company...

Ironside Van

An MPC model kit of TV's Ironside's van. None other than George Barris built this Ford van for the TV series. I know what you're asking. Did the wheelchair come with the kit? I wish I knew. (c. 1973)

We'll Win!

Here is a great ad from the original Captain America series from the 1940s, encouraging us to join The Sentinels Of Liberty. Cap fighting Hitler in WWII. Wow. Neat!

Historic Meeting!

Here's a newspaper clipping of a young David Lynch (Eraserhead, Twin Peaks), meeting legend Vincent Price. This appeared in 1957.

Boris The Heel.

A classic still from Mask Of Fu Manchu (1932) Yes, Boris Karloff is under that make-up!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Dracula Audition Guy.

This is the Basil Gogos painting that appeared on Famous Monsters Of Filmland #18. Thought to be Dwight Frye as Reinfield  from 1931's Dracula, this is actually Bernard Jukes who played Reinfield opposite Bela Lugosi in the stage version. This was one of several makeup shots he took while campaigning for the role in the film. As we all know, Dwight Frye was cast. Still he is responsible for one of the most striking images in horror film history.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Wrestling at the J&J.

Here are two posters for GCW cards at The J&J Center in Athens, before I had a car to go there. Also, I didn't get their TV, we got Mid-Atlantic Wrestling. I wish I could've been there!

Barbara Steele

The great Barbara Steele in this iconic image from Black Sunday (1962) "Stare into these eyes.."

Blacula Lobby Card

A toothy lobby card for Blacula (1972) It featured music by The Hues Corporation ("Rock The Boat" was their big hit - it hit #1 in 1974)

Dirty Ol' Ladies!

You can't help but wonder how many of this Roach T-shirt design sold... I don't know too many women would be brave enough to pull it off - put it on actually.

Mark Of The Vampire

Mark Of The Vampire (1935) It was a remake / re-imagining of London After Midnight (1927), but with more twists and turns. Tod Browning remaking his own film. It's a goldmine for cool stills. Caroll Borland as Luna was the prototype of Vampira, Morticia Addams, and others.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Kali Is Hot!

I'm not sure why, but the Hindu goddess of death, Kali, has been featured on more than a few matchboxes. The cult of her boys must've liked fires, and why not.

That's MR. Jinks to you!

I don't know - I just love this cel / frame from a classic Pixie & Dixie cartoon!

Boy & Ghoul Pajamas

An ad parody from ? It's still neat, whoever published it.

Plan 9 Lobby Card

The fellow in the cape trying to look like Bela Lugosi is chiropractor Tom Mason, who was brought in to finish the film  after Bela passed on in 1956.

Andre Poster

Here's a poster of Andre The Giant for a card In Simcoe, Ontario. The poster uses the art from the poster that was sent out to the different territories to promote The Giant right before his dates in the area.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Filmation Ad

Here's a neat trade paper ad for the Filmation Saturday morning debuts in 1968. All were CBS shows except Fantastic Voyage. It was a ABC show.