Monday, March 27, 2017

Land Of The Giants Item...

The Remco Space Sled, inspired by ABC-TV's Land Of The Giants (1968 -1970) Neat box art, and with photos, yet!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

"Art" Slides!

I still contend that illustration is cool. The implied message is that the photos are way to saucy to print in the ad! Hubba - Hubba!

Post Cereal Promotions - Early 70's Commercials!!

Archie records and more. A neat group of commercials that make me long for the days...

Funky Fireworks Labels!

I recently ran across some fireworks labels from the past. Some are well done, some look like a family member was called on for the art...
The "Monster" was a swipe from the Moon Monster ad from comic books of the 1960s.
Batman... Not so great, but Voodoo is a winner I think.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Brian Bolland Ad

Here's and ad for Forbidden Planet,  comics and more stores from The U.K. I saw this ad back in the late 1970s, of course I didn't know who Brian Bolland was then, but I was impressed. Cool and Creepy!

Starkly Sinister!

Hollywood Horror Teeth. The design and copy on this is mighty fine. It looks 1950s, but must be newer than that.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Captain Action!

 Captain Action ad from a D.C. comic above, and below, the back of Action Boy's box. These were before my time a bit, but man, had I seem 'em in the store I would've desired these rascals very much..

Lurking Fear!

This British Lovecraft paperback has the coolest cover art. I seem to recall this edition was late 1940s - early 1950s.

Head Shrinkers Kit

A cool toy in a cool box! There we go! I recently saw the TV commercial for this on YouTube and it looked neat. By Pressman Toys, c. 1966.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Dark Judges Attack!

A mini poster from 2000 A.D. by the great Brian Bolland.  Judge Dredd vs. the Dark Judges are some of the best Comic stories ever, and no small part of that greatness is Brian Bolland's art.

Are You A Lover?

A nifty little ad from the early days of Famous Monsters Of Filmland. A Sneaky way to sell a mask! The ad copy was probably written by Forrest J. Ackerman!

For the cool kids of 1962

You would have been the talk of the block tooling around in this baby! A deluxe Flintstones Pedal Car!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Topstone Vampire Girl

My hands-down favorite of the Topstone masks ads from Captain Company.  Debating on a tattoo of same.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Peter Cushing - Vampire?

Yes! Peter Cushing played MacGregor, a vampire in Tendre Dracula, in 1974! Pretty creepy looking too!

The Biggest Wrestler Of All Time!

Martin "The Blimp" Levy was billed as "the heaviest wrestler of all time" He could give the McGuire Twins a run for their money!  Sadly, he was unlucky in love it seems. Whoa Nellie!

Barnabas Glow Poster!

I never knew this existed back in the day, or I would've been dying to get one! The best of the show - spookiness! I hope I run across one before I go to that great Crypt in the sky..well, you know what I mean!

Castex 5 - Munsters

Here's a neat Munsters item that is rare as you might guess - The Munsters Castex 5 Casting set from 1964. You could make a pretty good living selling the statues on eBay! Not the most desirable graphics on the box, but mighty cool nonetheless.