Sunday, January 29, 2017

Yogi Bear And The 3 Stooges

This has to be a good one - Yogi Bear And The Three Stooges Meet The Mad, Mad, Mad, Dr. No-No. I would like to hear this before I die. I can't imagine. 1965, I think...

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Gene Simmons Likes.

Here's Kiss co-leader Gene $immons checking out the offerings along with the 2nd Kiss Marvel comic. Just neat I guess... Wally Wood's Sally Forth is on display as well..

Mad Monsters #10

Mad Monsters #10 (1965) Who would've thought that a magazine would devote a cover to The Incredibly Strange Creatures (Who Stopped Living And Became Mixed-Up Zombies)? Not me friends, but here you go...

Batman - Beware!

Screen Stories June 1966, with the puzzling cover blurb, "The Stars' Warning To Batman "Beware Of Women!" Nuttiness overload..

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Freebirds With Gordon Solie

This is just a cool image of Gordon Solie doing an Interview with The Fabulous Freebirds in Atlanta when they were incredibly over. This would be 1981. Wrestling was good then. Even though Michael Hayes looks like he just sucked a lemon here. Is that the infamous Freebird hair creme in his hand?

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Funny Monsters Cards

From the 1959 Topps series, Funny Monsters AKA You'll Die Laughing, this card is a goody because of Jack Davis' use of color, and atmosphere. Monsteriffic!

Beware! Terror Tales #3

Beware! Terror Tales #3, Fawcett, 1952. Great Bernard Baily cover art, and with my favorite pre-code horror host, The Mummy! Just look at that jovial, yet menacing grin on his kisser!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Odd Rods

Here are a couple of Donruss' Odd Rods sticker series that lasted from 1969 - 1973. Many later cards were reprints of the first two series - I'm really not sure. We just bought 'em and put them on our notebooks. Art by the great B.K. Taylor.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Bee-Ware Atlanta!

A great triple bill for the lucky (?) Atlanta movie goers. The "Worms" film had to be The Worm Eaters (1977), so any ideas about the other two?

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Monster Wacky Packages - Warren Mags!

Here are 3 very cool monster themed Wacky Packages stickers lampooning Warren Magazines! If there is an Eerie magazine parody, I haven't found it...yet.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Super TV Heroes #1

This is on my want list indeed. Hanna-Barbera Super TV Heroes #1, Gold Key, 1968. I always had a soft spot for Gold Key anyway, and this brings back a lot of cool Saturday Morning memories..

Green Hornet Stickers

Topps' Green Hornet Stickers were so cool.  Donruss had Green Hornet cards out at the same time but they were second best to these babies. [1966]

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Dark Shadows 1967

From the great Collinsport Historical Society website comes this cast photo of the cast of Dark Shadows from mid 1967. Of course Jonathan Frid is in the center, fangs all out and stuff....

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Jerry Lawler Self Portrait

An excellent self portrait, and mini-bio from the king himself, Jerry Lawler, from  Scott Bowden's Kentucky Fried Wrestling on Blogspot.

Dark Shadows Wrappers

Dark Shadows wrappers from the green, and purple (1st) series, 1969, and 68 respectively. I still need a purple series wrapper for  the crypt!

Japanese Baron Von Rashke Card

Here's the master of the claw hold sporting the ol' swastika again in this Gong Magazine trading card from somewhere around 1968-1972. It seems you had to cut these out of the magazine..?

Milton Meets Milton (Bradley)

Here's a cool item - A Milton The Monster Game, by Milton Bradley from 1965. Milton aired on ABC from 1965 - 1968. It was the best of Hal Seeger's efforts. The show also featured Fearless Fly, Muggy Doo, and Stuffy Durma (which sounds nasty), and others. Bob McFadden did all the voices, and was great at his job.

Brought To You By...

A super-sharp screencap of The Flintstones Carnation Milk spot at the beginning of the show. The Flintstones were a prime time show for ABC, so not all the sponsors / commercials were kid oriented. Shows of the day usually had multiple sponsors.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

You Don't Have To Be A Headhunter!

Shrunken heads were very popular in the 1950s - 1960s. You could fork over $2.98 for this baby, or you could go DIY, like Ed Gein up in Wisconsin. Inspired by the American Indians who used all of their kills, Eddie made much more use of the acquisitions / kills than shrunken heads in that creepy house... [via Boys and Ghouls Podcast]

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Monster Wacky Packages!

Here are some of the monster themed Wacky Packages stickers from Topps released through the years - these 3 are all vampire Wackys - with more to come...

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The Monster Of Piedras Blancas

The Monster Of Piedras Blancas (colorized) poster from The Monster Times.  The 1959 movie that claimed it won the "Shock Award" from Famous Monsters Of Filmland magazine. It did not, as there was no such award. Nice try though.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Bela's Drink!

Bela Lugosi in a promotional photo for Royal Crown Cola. I don't recall any RC ads with Bela though.. It had to be late 1930s- 40s, as he looks healthy here..

Dracula Dutch Style!

Here is a 45 picture sleeve of Dracula b/w Beat Girl by ZZ En De Maskers (1964) Incredibly cool design on the sleeve. Yes, this one's on YouTube..

Laugh-In Legal Pad

This would be a cool gift to get for any occasion! Not bad likenesses of the cast either! 1968 copyright..

Shemp Daddy!

A very cool picture of Shemp for no good reason. My favorite Stooge.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Jonny Quest: The Robot Spy

Remember this Jonny Quest episode? It featured the almost invincible "Robot Spy"... When found, it was taken in to be studied by Dr. Quest, and the military. It morphed from a flying saucer into the cool spider-bot thing! (ABC-TV, 1964)
Someone (Owner?) did a neat backyard tribute with an old V-Dub...

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Gruesome Mansion

A seriously cool rack toy. The Gruesome Mansion Pinball game. From 1973, really, after the end of the monster craze. Wish I had one!