Sunday, November 13, 2016

Batman Give-A-Show

What an incredibly cool toy! The Batman Give-A-Show Bat-Projector! This was from The U.K., by Chad Valley licensed by Kenner. Why Kenner didn't release this in the states I'll never know. I'm a sucker for the Kenner projectors anyway, but with Batman in the mix, I would've died to get this as a kid! When they started putting photos of the toys on the box instead of artwork like this, toys were less desirable I believe. It's from 1966, natch. "As seen on ABC Television" 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hi i recently won this at auction knowing it was pretty rare, do you now its value? as I'm struggling to find much info on it online, also the only pictures of the projector I have seen are red whereas mine is blue, the same as on the box any idea why this is?



    1. Hi George! The US. counterpart company, Kenner offered both Red & Blue projectors in their sets, so it was just luck of the draw, so I suspect Chad Valley was the same. Nothing to worry about there. As to the value.... I don't know. As you say it is pretty rare... In a set with a great box, etc..I would say $50 - $100 USD would be a good deal, but I could be off. Thanks for writing!

  3. oh I see, thanks very much for all that info! :)
